5 Amazing Benefits of Daily Meditation

I’m practicing Meditation for one and a half years now and in this article, I'll be sharing 5 benefits of meditating daily.

Sagrika Oberoi
3 min readSep 17, 2022
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

We know meditation is useful, It’s a good habit, and so on...

But, how many of you find time to actually practice meditation? no amount of books, articles, and videos are going to be of help until you start practicing it!

Meditations are of various types, there is Mantra meditation, there is a type of meditation where you focus on your breath, and there are guided ones too. You have to try all of them and see what is right for you and then start practicing it daily. All you need is a quiet place. A place without distractions, movements, and noise.

You’ve to meditate with your eyes closed, Sitting in a cross-legged posture, with your spine erect and head straight. focusing your attention on the point between your eyebrows. Try it initially for 15- 20 mins, and then gradually increase your time as you progress in your journey.

Here are 5 benefits of Meditation —

  1. You become even-minded and calm

I was a short-tempered person, little things would disturb me and left me frustrated. But, after practicing meditation for a few years now. My emotions are a lot more under control.

This doesn't mean I don't get angry at all. I do, but the frequency has reduced now.

2. You start focussing on now, the present moment

Another benefit of meditation is, that you start focussing on the present moment. No dwelling in the past or being anxious about the future. You become more conscious of your actions.

3. Reduced stress level and promotes better mental and physical well-being —

when you’re calm, still, and conscious. worry and stress leave you forever. you become a person who focuses more on solutions rather than the problem itself.

3. Helps you stay focused

Meditation helps you achieve one-pointed attention. Your attention span increases dramatically. a lot of people in today’s world are facing a problem staying focused. Without focus, it becomes really difficult to get any work done.

4. Improves Relationships

In today’s fast-paced world, we work 24*7 to climb that corporate ladder or are busy making things happen. Resulting in constant friction building up between relationships. There’s no time, more expectations, and loads of work. Meditation is a tool that helps you be more grateful and appreciative towards people in life.

5. A shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundant mindset —

we are a funny generation, really we have 50 pairs of clothes in our closet, and still our only response every time we’re stepping out is — I don’t have anything to wear. We shop compulsively, we have so many habits built out of compulsion. With meditation, our brains sort of rewire themselves, and there happens a shift from focusing only on trivial things in life to things that actually matter. Our minds shift from I don’t have enough to I am content with what I have. and we start expressing more Love, compassion, service, gratitude, and empathy.

As you progress in your journey. You’ll uncover gems hidden deep inside you. But, like w/o tasting a dish you can’t know what the taste is like. until and unless you start practicing it yourself you’ll never know what I’m or others are saying.

Thanks for Reading

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Sagrika Oberoi

Researcher and writer, passionate about improving my life, Talks about personal growth, health, lifestyle and spirituality.🌸 connect- bysagrikaoberoi@gmail.com