7 Harmful Habits Holding You Back

Sagrika Oberoi
3 min readNov 14, 2022


Photo by Skylar Kang on Unsplash

Success isn’t something that can be achieved overnight. success is simply the byproduct of a large volume of ordinary actions. The quality of our daily habits governs the ultimate quality of our long-term outcomes.

we all want to know what will propel us forward isn’t it at least as important to know what is holding us back??

Just as positive habits can push us forward, negative habits can drag us down. Therefore it’s immensely important to sit down and assess the habits holding you back from your potential.

These are the habits that I have or I’m currently struggling with. so let’s dive in.

7 Harmful habits holding you back from your potential

1. Saying yes to everything

I always have a hard time saying ‘no’. I just don’t feel like turning down requests, it leaves me feeling guilty and disappointed but you know what’s even worse? being overwhelmed and not delivering as per expectations.

most successful people all over the world have this one thing in common and that is they prefer saying ‘no’ more often. Be deliberate about what you spend your time on — and who you spend it with. This will save you tons of time to focus on the tasks that are important to you and guard your mental health.

2. Glorifying the wrong things

Back in college sleeping late, having night outs, and eating junk were sort of considered cool. As I passed college and entered my work life I glorified hustle, no sleep schedule, eating whatever and whenever, and not spending enough time with family

what I now glorify

  1. having a sleep schedule
  2. having control over my time
  3. doing what I love
  4. Respecting my body

3. Comparing yourself to others

The Thumb rule- is if you want to live a content and happy life, you’ve to give up on this habit as soon as you can. This is increasingly important in today’s digital age where it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison.

Ask yourself what you really want. and then work hard to achieve it. remove the noise and focus on yourself. remember you’re unique, and so are your goals, priorities, and needs.

4. Complaining incessantly

Complaining never got anyone anywhere worth going. Do you find yourself always complaining about every single thing in life? then it's a red flag.

Instead, take action and do whatever little you can to improve your situation. trust me you’ll feel better.

5. Desire to always be right

wanting to always be right is a trap.

Sahil bloom in one of his article says “ instead of arguing you should ask great questions which allows you to uncover new information and learnings. embracing new learning is similar to a software update to your brain that improves the old.

6. Multitasking

I always believed in multitasking.

My whole life I believed that being busy is a sign of progress. I was miserably wrong. while performing multiple tasks you think that you’re making progress but you’re just running around churning out low-quality work.

Instead, prioritize the most important task at the very start of the day. and block time to focus on one task at a time. I use the Pomodoro technique, working for 30 mins and then taking a break. It works pretty well for me.

7. Not prioritizing your health

we generally think that it’s okay to neglect the body. we literally wait for the blunder to happen.

when we’re young we take our bodies for granted which can leave us mentally and physically exhausted, stressed, and prone to illness.


I hope this piece helps you provide a level of awareness that you can use to eliminate habits that are holding you back. remember nobody’s perfect.

All it takes is self-awareness and action in the right direction. Build good habits and eliminate the bad ones.

Thanks for Reading!

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Sagrika Oberoi

Researcher and writer, passionate about improving my life, Talks about personal growth, health, lifestyle and spirituality.🌸 connect- bysagrikaoberoi@gmail.com