Mental health| Life-lessons

6 Lessons My Anxiety Taught Me

A small endeavor to reach out to people who need help. without any further ado let’s dive in

Sagrika Oberoi
6 min readMar 15, 2024
Photo by Joice Kelley on Unsplash

Do you often find yourself waking up at night worrying about something? That unexplained feeling of fear and helplessness makes your heart rush.

If yes, you aren't alone my friend. I’ve got your back. I was in the same situation a year ago. when I think about that time I wonder how I survived that phase of my life.

They say you learn the most in the toughest situations of your life. The times you are tested and you come out even stronger.

I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder a year ago. I already had a sleep disorder going on for a couple of months before the diagnosis. it was then I realized who’s the culprit to blame for.

Let’s look at the numbers, and what they say —

According to WHO Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the world. Roughly 301 million people, an estimated 4% of the global population, have an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the U.S. and affect over 40 million adults, or 19.1% of the population

The no’s shook me to my core,

I kept questioning myself. why anxiety and depression cases are on the rise… where are we going wrong as a society? fifty years ago there were no such diseases. today we have everything thing available at our fingertips. we’re more equipped with technology and tools. but why most of our young generation is falling mentally sick?

Let’s find this out in the next section

Here are the 7 key learnings My Anxiety taught me —

1. The Lifestyle

Today, the lifestyle that we live is what to be blamed for. we stretch ourselves far beyond our limit. stress is one of the reasons we are in hyperactive mode all the time. we have deadlines, projects, and relationships to balance but in all this, we forget ourselves mainly our mental health.

  • Take regular breaks from your daily routine to break the monotony — taking long walks worked best for me. Do something you love that helps you feel more grounded and calm.
  • Set boundaries, in your personal and work life. Don't overload yourself with commitments. remember life is a marathon, and not a sprint.
  • practicing pranayam (breathing exercises) and yoga for 30 mins. whenever an anxiety episode hits it’s better to come on your yoga mat and start with your practice bal asana( or child’s pose) being my fav. there’s something relaxing about this pose.
Image by Calmsage
  • Don't seek perfection in every area of your life.
  • set a practical evening wind-up routine and slow down. where you take time to reflect and prepare a to-do list for tomorrow.
  • if possible try to prepare your meals — quite a few people know about the subtler aspects of food, especially in the West. The food we eat has a direct impact on our minds and consciousness.

well, you must have heard people saying ohh! The food is so yummy. someone says yeah because it’s made with love. love, compassion, happiness, and kindness are subtler emotions added to the food while cooking. our thoughts and intentions change the quality of the food.

  • find time for deeper connections and conversations — speak your heart out with your close ones. These days, we have thousands of friends on social media but no real friends to talk to. Don't let your emotions build up over time.

2. Paying attention to your thoughts

I healed all by myself which means no therapy, healing sessions, or prescription meds. Pay attention to the present moment with curiosity and no judgment as to what type of thoughts you get most of the day and how they impact you.

jot down if you want. once you have an idea of what type of thought triggers panic, and anxiety in you, you’re halfway there. According to research, the average person has approx 60,000 thoughts a day. By changing the quality of your thoughts you can change the quality of your life.

Image by Joyofmindfullness

3. You’re your only savior

It’s only you who can pull yourself out of the darkness. what I’ve experienced is you always have two choices either get drowned by the difficult situation or come out even stronger, I chose the latter.

  • until your problem is too severe. Avoid taking antidepressants or any drug for that matter.

Prozac and other antidepressants are so commonly prescribed now and then. honestly speaking these drugs do not treat your mental illness they suppress your nervous system so you can sleep or feel rested. but answer this for how long ? max 3–4 hrs.

You’re asked to pop one pill after the other and the cycle never ends dear friends. most of these tranquilizers are habit-forming.

and don't get me started with the after-effects of the pills you’re putting in your system. it’s better to reach the root cause and treat the disease.

4. Connect yourself with people who uplift you and have a better perspective on life

So, the root cause of this illness is negative thought patterns embedded in your system. negative thinking to the point where a person loses all hope of living. remove toxic people from your life, set boundaries, and associate yourself with people who bring out the best in you. if that’s not possible physically make books your best friends. one book that has changed not only my life but millions is Bhagvad Geeta.

Remember you always have a choice. . Don't let your emotions and thoughts succumb to you.

“There is increasing evidence that cultivating positive mental states like compassion and kindness definitely leads to better psychological health and happiness” — Dalai Lama

5. Connect yourself to a higher power

No matter what country, religion, background, or ethnicity you belong to. you must have faith in some higher power. we all believe there is one higher power controlling everything.

when you believe in something higher than you. your focus shifts from your problems, fears, and worries to paying gratitude for whatever you are bestowed with.

just take some time to be thankful to the Creator for all the blessings. trust me it works.

6. Serve others to the best of your ability —

There is something you can always do to make others' lives easy that’s what contribution means. you do not have to be rich to be able to serve others. it’s the right intention that matters the most.

Try to do something each day to bring a smile to someone’s face. start with your family, neighbors, and friends, then make it as big as possible.

Mere this thought of extending help to others brings calmness and satisfaction to your life. there is some magic in thinking of others before ourselves. making us one with the higher consciousness.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth” — Muhammad Ali

Final Thoughts—

I have poured my heart out to write this because I understand how it feels to be on the other side of the corner. whoever is reading this trust me things will get better with time. They may not seem to be, right now but gradually everything will fall into place and who knows you might be sharing your experience online to help others.

I hope you found it helpful. wherever you are in your journey you’re going to be okay. stay strong and smile. :)

Thanks for Reading:)

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Sagrika Oberoi
Sagrika Oberoi

Written by Sagrika Oberoi

Researcher and writer, passionate about improving my life, Talks about personal growth, health, lifestyle and spirituality.🌸 connect-

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