PinnedSagrika Oberoi7 Life Lessons People Learn too Late in LifeOur everyday habits decide our future selves.Nov 29, 2022132Nov 29, 2022132
PinnedSagrika OberoiMindset Shift That Will Change Your LifeYour mind can be your best friend or your worst enemyAug 23, 202221Aug 23, 202221
PinnedSagrika OberoiWhy you Need to Enjoy the ProcessEvery one of us wants to grow, and achieve. we enjoy great careers, successful relationships, and people to admire our journey. we have…Jul 26, 202227Jul 26, 202227
PinnedSagrika Oberoi10 Rules That Changed My LifeWe often forget how little things can have a greater impact on our lives, it’s truly said that every phase of your life demands a different…Jul 19, 202230Jul 19, 202230
PinnedSagrika OberoiinNew Writers WelcomeThe Lessons I Learned in my 20sWell, we all see a world through a different lens.Jul 2, 202223Jul 2, 202223
Sagrika OberoiinCurated NewslettersHow to Redesign Your Life in 6 MonthsTaking the first step in the right direction is all it takes.May 255May 255
Sagrika Oberoi5 Brutal Truths of Life, I Realized Before 30Life has it’s own way of teaching you.May 110May 110
Sagrika OberoiinILLUMINATION‘Now’ is The Only Time That MattersWe often postpone our happiness for the future. we swing between regretting the past, all that didn’t go right, and the future, worrying…Apr 263Apr 263
Sagrika Oberoi5 Simple Habits To Keep Your Mental Health in CheckIn this digital era, where everything is just a click away. we’re always bombarded with tonnes of information.Apr 241Apr 241
Sagrika OberoiinILLUMINATION7 Secrets To Amp Up Your Journey to a Healthy LifestyleSteal this 7-step process to live a better life.Apr 202Apr 202